
We are the Parish Church of Biddulph. You’re very welcome to join us for any of our services and other activities for all ages. Our 09.15 & 11.00 Sunday services are also live-streamed.
We are the Parish Church of Biddulph. You’re very welcome to join us for any of our services and other activities for all ages. Our 09.15 & 11.00 Sunday services are also live-streamed.
Our services are held on Sundays and Wednesdays and our children’s groups on Sundays and during the week. Details of services may be found here. We also livestream some services on Youtube.
Our church Electoral Roll is being completely renewed. Here is a helpful guide to the Electoral Roll & a link to an online application form. IF YOUR NAME HAS BEEN ON THE ROLL, YOU NEED TO RE-APPLY THIS YEAR.
We are committed to Safeguarding and have adopted the National & Diocesan Safeguarding Policies. Have a concern? Contact our Safeguarding Officer, Eileen Cox email: [email protected]
There are lots of activities for children and young people at St. Lawrence’s both on Sundays and during the week. Here, you can find out out about some of them but also keep an eye out for special events advertised on our Facebook & Instagram pages.
It’s easy to contact us. You can send us an email, give us a call, come to church on Sunday or Wednesday, use our online contact forms, write to us, send us a message on our Facebook Page, or pop into the Church Office between 9am and 12noon Tuesday – Friday.
Here’s a calendar of some of the regular activities at St. Lawrence’s. Up to date news may be found on our Facebook or Instagram Pages. Search for St. Lawrence’s Church, Biddulph, or ‘biddulphchurch’.
If you’d like to give financially towards the work of St. Lawrence’s, please follow the links here. There are a number of ways in which you could make a regular or one-off donation. Thank you.
SAVE THE DATE – VIBES 2025 – Monday 4th to Friday 8th August. More information soon.
Nibble & Natter is the place for some great company with tasty snacks, a hot drink, good friends and a chat. Every Monday, starting 16th September, you can be assured of a warm welcome. Best of all, it’s all free.
Have you ever wondered what the Christian faith is all about? Is there a question you’ve been afraid to ask? What’s the point of prayer? Why did Jesus die? What’s the church for? Did God really create the universe? Christianity.org.uk helps with some of the answers.
St. Paul’s Church in Syongila, Kenya, is St. Lawrence’s Partner Church. Our partnership began in the early 1990s when the then vicar came to the UK to study. We now support St. Paul’s through prayer, giving and occasional exchange visits.