Giving to St. Lawrence’s

Giving to St. Lawrence’s

If you would like to make a regular or one-off donation to St. Lawrence’s, there are a number of ways in which you can do it.

A convenient way to give regularly to St. Lawrence’s is by Standing Order which you can set up using Online or Telephone Banking or by visiting a branch of your bank.

If you are a UK tax payer, you can also Gift Aid your donation by completing our online Gift Aid Declaration Form.

You’ll need the following details to set up your Standing Order:

Account name:
Parochial Church Council Biddulph St Lawrence General Fund
Sort code: 01-00-71
Account no.: 02688913

Please ensure that you use our full account name when completing your Standing Order.

You can donate securely through ChurchSuite.

Click or tap the link below and then follow the instructions. Any money given in this way will go directly to St. Lawrence’s.



JustGiving is a popular method of giving.

Click or tap the link below and then follow the instructions. Any money given through this page will go directly to St. Lawrence’s.

St. Lawrence’s JustGiving Page

REMEMBER: If you are a UK tax payer, you can also Gift Aid your donation by completing a Gift Aid Declaration form. Please contact the Church Office for a copy.

Thank you for visiting this page and considering ways that you might donate to St. Lawrence’s Church.

If you would like more information, please look around our website or CONTACT us at the Church Office.